Online Registration - Compliance Commission


Only businesses and sole proprietors providing the prescribed financial services pursuant to section 4 of the FTRA, 2018 are required to register with the Compliance Commission.


    1. Click the Register Bottom at the top right or bottom right of the website and complete the appropriate Online Registration Form.The system will in-turn generate a registration number, which will be your Identification Number (ID#), going forward.
    2. Fields on the Form with an * are mandatory and must be filled.
    3. After you have completed the Form, please verify the information, print the Form and then click the Register button.
    4. Once Registration is completed electronically, an automatic confirmation email containing a registration number and active status will be sent to the email address you provided.
    5. As a business or sole proprietor, you will also be advised via email of your statutory obligation.
    6. AMENDMENTS: Registrants may update information as required.
    7. Click Here to Register.